(function($) { "use strict"; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Global vars * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ var scrollticker; // Scroll Timer | don't need to set this in every scroll var rtl = $('body').hasClass('rtl'); var simple = $('body').hasClass('style-simple'); var top_bar_top = '61px'; var header_H = 0; var pretty = false; var mobile_init_W = 1240; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Helper Item * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ jQuery('.helper .link.toggle').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var el = jQuery(this); var id = el.attr('data-rel'); var parent = el.closest('.helper'); if (el.hasClass('active')) { el.removeClass('active'); parent.find('.helper_content > .item-' + id).removeClass('active').slideUp(200); } else { parent.find('.links > .link.active').removeClass('active'); parent.find('.helper_content > .item.active').slideUp(200) el.addClass('active'); 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var itemH = itemW * ratio; if (itemH < 147) itemH = 147; item.height(itemH); } function iframesHeight() { iframeHeight(jQuery(".blog_wrapper .post-photo-wrapper .mfn-jplayer, .blog_wrapper .post-photo-wrapper iframe, .post-related .mfn-jplayer, .post-related iframe, .blog_slider_ul .mfn-jplayer, .blog_slider_ul iframe"), 0.78); // blog - list iframeHeight(jQuery(".single-post .single-photo-wrapper .mfn-jplayer, .single-post .single-photo-wrapper iframe"), 0.4); // blog - single iframeHeight(jQuery(".section-portfolio-header .mfn-jplayer, .section-portfolio-header iframe"), 0.4); // portfolio - single } iframesHeight(); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Sticky header * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ var topBarTop = '61px'; var mfn_header_height = 0; // header height function mfn_stickyH() { if (jQuery('body').hasClass('header-below')) { // header below slider mfn_header_height = jQuery('.mfn-main-slider').innerHeight() + jQuery('#Header').innerHeight(); 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// FIX | next/prev section var offset = 0; if( $( '.section.full-screen:not(.hide-desktop)' ).length > 1 ){ offset = 5; } $( '.section.full-screen' ).each( function(){ var section = $( this ); var wrapper = $( '.section_wrapper', section ); section .css( 'padding', 0 ) .css( 'min-height', windowH + offset ); var padding = ( windowH + offset - wrapper.height() ) / 2; if( padding < 50 ) padding = 50; wrapper .css( 'padding-top', padding + 10 ) // 20 = column margin-bottom / 2 .css( 'padding-bottom', padding - 10 ); }); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Admin Bar & WooCommerce Store Notice * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function adminBarH(){ var height = 0; // WP adminbar if( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'admin-bar' ) ){ height += $( '#wpadminbar' ).innerHeight(); } // WC demo store if( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'woocommerce-demo-store' ) ){ height += $( 'body > p.demo_store' ).innerHeight(); } return height; 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mfnSliderOffer(); mfnSliderOfferThumb(); mfnSliderBlog(); mfnSliderClients(); mfnSliderPortfolio(); mfnSliderShop(); mfnSliderTestimonials(); //mfn_equalH_wrap(); //mfn_equalH(); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retina Logo * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function retinaLogo(){ if( window.devicePixelRatio > 1 ){ var el = ''; var src = ''; var height = ''; var parent = $( '#Top_bar #logo' ); var parentH = parent.data( 'height' ); var maxH = { sticky : { init : 35, no_padding : 60, overflow : 110 }, mobile : { mini : 50, mini_no_padding : 60 }, mobile_sticky : { init : 50, no_padding : 60, overflow : 80 } }; $( '#Top_bar #logo img' ).each( function( index ){ el = $( this ); src = el.data( 'retina' ); height = el.height(); // main ----- if( el.hasClass( 'logo-main' ) ){ if( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'logo-overflow' ) ){ // do nothing } else if( height > parentH ){ height = parentH; } } // sticky ----- if( el.hasClass( 'logo-sticky' ) ){ if( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'logo-overflow' ) ){ if( height > maxH.sticky.overflow ){ height = maxH.sticky.overflow; 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var el = jQuery(this) var menu = jQuery('#Top_bar #menu'); var menuWrap = menu.closest('.menu_wrapper'); el.toggleClass('active'); if (el.hasClass('is-sticky') && el.hasClass('active')) { var top = 0; if (menuWrap.length) top = menuWrap.offset().top; jQuery('body,html').animate({ scrollTop: top }, 200); } menu.stop(true, true).slideToggle(200); }); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Menu | Responsive | Side Slide * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function sideSlide(){ var slide = $( '#Side_slide' ); var overlay = $( '#body_overlay' ); var ss_mobile_init_W = mobile_init_W; var pos = 'right'; // constructor ---------- var constructor = function(){ if( ! slide.hasClass( 'enabled' ) ){ $( 'nav#menu' ).detach().appendTo( '#Side_slide .menu_wrapper' ); slide.addClass( 'enabled' ); } }; // destructor ---------- var destructor = function(){ if( slide.hasClass( 'enabled' ) ){ close(); $( 'nav#menu' ).detach().prependTo( '#Top_bar .menu_wrapper' ); slide.removeClass( 'enabled' ); } }; // reload ---------- var reload = function(){ if( ( $(document).width() < ss_mobile_init_W ) ){ constructor(); } else { destructor(); } }; // init ---------- var init = function(){ if( slide.hasClass( 'left' ) ){ pos = 'left'; } if( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'header-simple' ) ){ ss_mobile_init_W = 9999; } reload(); }; // reset to default ---------- var reset = function( time ){ $( '.lang-active.active', slide ).removeClass('active').children('i').attr('class','icon-down-open-mini'); $( '.lang-wrapper', slide ).fadeOut(0); $( '.icon.search.active', slide ).removeClass('active'); $( '.search-wrapper', slide ).fadeOut(0); $( '.menu_wrapper, .social', slide ).fadeIn( time ); }; // menu button ---------- var button = function(){ // show if( pos == 'left' ){ slide.animate({ 'left':0 },300); $('body').animate({ 'right':-125 },300); } else { slide.animate({ 'right':0 },300); $('body').animate({ 'left':-125 },300); } overlay.fadeIn(300); // reset reset(0); }; // close ---------- var close = function(){ if( pos == 'left' ){ slide.animate({ 'left':-250 },300); $('body').animate({ 'right':0 },300); } else { slide.animate({ 'right':-250 },300); $('body').animate({ 'left':0 },300); } overlay.fadeOut(300); }; // search ---------- $( '.icon.search', slide ).on( 'click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var el = $(this); if( el.hasClass('active') ){ $( '.search-wrapper', slide ).fadeOut(0); $( '.menu_wrapper, .social', slide ).fadeIn(300); } else { $( '.search-wrapper', slide ).fadeIn(300); $( '.menu_wrapper, .social', slide ).fadeOut(0); $( '.lang-active.active', slide ).removeClass('active').children('i').attr('class','icon-down-open-mini'); $( '.lang-wrapper', slide ).fadeOut(0); } el.toggleClass('active'); }); // search form submit ---------- $( 'a.submit', slide ).on( 'click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $('#side-form').submit(); }); // lang menu ---------- $( '.lang-active', slide ).on( 'click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var el = $(this); if( el.hasClass('active') ){ $( '.lang-wrapper', slide ).fadeOut(0); $( '.menu_wrapper, .social', slide ).fadeIn(300); el.children('i').attr('class','icon-down-open-mini'); } else { $( '.lang-wrapper', slide ).fadeIn(300); $( '.menu_wrapper, .social', slide ).fadeOut(0); el.children('i').attr('class','icon-up-open-mini'); $( '.icon.search.active', slide ).removeClass('active'); $( '.search-wrapper', slide ).fadeOut(0); } el.toggleClass('active'); }); // init, click, debouncedresize ---------- // init init(); // click | menu button $( '.responsive-menu-toggle' ).off( 'click' ); $( '.responsive-menu-toggle' ).on( 'click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); button(); }); // click | close overlay.on( 'click', function(e){ close(); }); $( '.close', slide ).on( 'click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); close(); }); // click | below search or languages menu $( slide ).on( 'click', function(e){ if( $( e.target ).is( slide ) ){ reset(300); } }); // debouncedresize $( window ).on( 'debouncedresize', reload ); } if( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'mobile-side-slide' ) ){ sideSlide(); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Menu | mfnMenu * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function mainMenu(){ var mm_mobile_init_W = mobile_init_W; if( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'header-simple' ) || $( '#Header_creative.dropdown' ).length ){ mm_mobile_init_W = 9999; } $( '#menu > ul.menu' ).mfnMenu({ addLast : true, arrows : true, mobileInit : mm_mobile_init_W, }); $( '#secondary-menu > ul.secondary-menu' ).mfnMenu({ mobileInit : mm_mobile_init_W, }); } mainMenu(); mfn_stickyH() mfn_sticky(); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Menu | OnePage - remove active * Works with .scroll class * Since 4.8 replaced with admin option: Page Options / One Page [function: onePageMenu()] * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function onePageScroll() { if (!jQuery('body').hasClass('one-page')) { var menu = jQuery('#menu'); if (menu.find('li.scroll').length > 1) { menu.find('li.current-menu-item:not(:first)').removeClass('current-menu-item currenet-menu-parent current-menu-ancestor current_page_item current_page_parent current_page_ancestor'); // menu item click menu.find('a').click(function() { jQuery(this).closest('li').siblings('li').removeClass('current-menu-item currenet-menu-parent current-menu-ancestor current_page_item current_page_parent current_page_ancestor'); 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// add attr [data-hash] & [data-id] ---------- $('a[href]', menu).each(function(){ var url = $(this).attr( 'href' ); if( url && url.split('#')[1] ){ // data-hash var hash = '#' + url.split('#')[1]; if( hash && $(hash).length ){ // check if element with specified ID exists $(this).attr( 'data-hash', hash ); $(hash).attr( 'data-id', hash ); } // Visual Composer var vcHash = '#' + url.split('#')[1]; var vcClass = '.vc_row.' + url.split('#')[1]; if( vcClass && $(vcClass).length ){ // check if element with specified Class exists $(this).attr( 'data-hash', vcHash ); $(vcClass).attr( 'data-id', vcHash ); } } }); // active ---------- var hash; var activeSelector = '.menu > li.current-menu-item, .menu > li.current-menu-parent, .menu > li.current-menu-ancestor, .menu > li.current-page-ancestor, .menu > li.current_page_item, .menu > li.current_page_parent, .menu > li.current_page_ancestor'; if( $( activeSelector, menu ).length ){ // remove duplicated $( activeSelector, menu ) .not(':first').removeClass( 'current-menu-item current-menu-parent current-menu-ancestor current-page-ancestor current_page_item current_page_parent current_page_ancestor' ); 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} } } // click ---------- $('#menu a[data-hash]').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); // only with: body.one-page // active menu.find('li').removeClass('current-menu-item'); $(this) .closest('li').addClass('current-menu-item') .closest('.menu > li').addClass('current-menu-item'); var hash = $(this).attr('data-hash'); hash = '[data-id="'+ hash +'"]'; // mobile - sticky header - close menu if( $(window).width() < 768 ){ $('.responsive-menu-toggle').removeClass('active'); $('#Top_bar #menu').hide(); } // offset var headerFixedAbH = $('.header-fixed.ab-show #Action_bar').innerHeight(); var tabsHeaderH = $(hash).siblings('.ui-tabs-nav').innerHeight(); var offset = headerFixedAbH - tabsHeaderH - $('#wpadminbar').innerHeight(); // sticky height var stickyH = fixStickyHeaderH(); // FIX | Header below | 1st section if( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'header-below' ) && $( '#Content' ).length ){ if( $( hash ).offset().top < ( $( '#Content' ).offset().top + 60 ) ){ stickyH = -1; } } // animate scroll $( 'html, body' ).animate({ scrollTop: $( hash ).offset().top - offset - stickyH }, 500); }); } } onePageMenu(); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FIX | Header | Sticky | Height * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function fixStickyHeaderH(){ var stickyH = 0; // FIX | sticky top bar height var topBar = $('.sticky-header #Top_bar'); if( topBar.hasClass('is-sticky') ){ stickyH = $('.sticky-header #Top_bar').innerHeight(); } else { topBar.addClass('is-sticky'); stickyH = $('.sticky-header #Top_bar').innerHeight(); topBar.removeClass('is-sticky'); } // FIX | responsive var responsive = $('.responsive-menu-toggle'); if( responsive.length ){ if( responsive.is(":visible") ){ stickyH = 0; } } return stickyH; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Creative Header * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ var cHeader = 'body:not(.header-open) #Header_creative'; var cHeaderEl = jQuery(cHeader); var cHeaderCurrnet; function creativeHeader() { jQuery('.creative-menu-toggle').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); cHeaderEl.addClass('active') if (jQuery('body').hasClass('header-rtl')) { cHeaderEl.animate({ 'right': -1 }, 500); } else { cHeaderEl.animate({ 'left': -1 }, 500); } cHeaderEl.find('.creative-wrapper').fadeIn(500); cHeaderEl.find('.creative-menu-toggle, .creative-social').fadeOut(500); }); } creativeHeader(); jQuery(document).on('mouseenter', cHeader, function() { cHeaderCurrnet = 1; }) jQuery(document).on('mouseleave', cHeader, function() { cHeaderCurrnet = null; setTimeout(function() { if (!cHeaderCurrnet) { cHeaderEl.removeClass('active'); if (jQuery('body').hasClass('header-rtl')) { cHeaderEl.animate({ 'right': -200 }, 500); } else { cHeaderEl.animate({ 'left': -200 }, 500); } cHeaderEl.find('.creative-wrapper').fadeOut(500); cHeaderEl.find('.creative-menu-toggle, .creative-social').fadeIn(500); } }, 1000); }); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Maintenance * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ jQuery('.downcount').each(function() { var el = jQuery(this); el.downCount({ date: el.attr('data-date'), offset: el.attr('data-offset') }); }); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Tooltip Image * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ jQuery('.tooltip-img').hover(function() { jQuery(this).find('.tooltip-content').stop(true, true).show(); }, function() { jQuery(this).find('.tooltip-content').stop(true, true).hide(); }); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Popup Contact * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ jQuery("#popup_contact > a.button").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery(this).parent().toggleClass('focus'); }); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * niceScroll * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (jQuery('body').hasClass('nice-scroll-on') && jQuery(window).width() > 767 && !navigator.userAgent.match(/(Android|iPod|iPhone|iPad|IEMobile|Opera Mini)/)) { jQuery('html').niceScroll({ autohidemode: false, cursorborder: 0, cursorborderradius: 5, cursorcolor: '#222222', cursorwidth: 10, horizrailenabled: false, mousescrollstep: (window.mfn_nicescroll) ? window.mfn_nicescroll : 40, scrollspeed: 60 }); 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}; var slider = $(this); var count = 1; var centerMode = false; if( slider.closest( '.content_slider' ).hasClass( 'carousel' ) ){ count = slickAutoResponsive( slider ); $(window).bind( 'debouncedresize', function(){ slider.slick( 'slickSetOption', 'slidesToShow', slickAutoResponsive( slider ), false ); slider.slick( 'slickSetOption', 'slidesToScroll', slickAutoResponsive( slider ), true ); }); } if( slider.closest( '.content_slider' ).hasClass( 'center' ) ){ centerMode = true; } if(slider.siblings( '.slider_prev' ).length){ slider.slick({ cssEase : 'cubic-bezier(.4,0,.2,1)', dots : true, infinite : true, touchThreshold : 10, speed : 300, centerMode : centerMode, centerPadding : '20%', prevArrow : slider.siblings( '.slider_prev' ), nextArrow : slider.siblings( '.slider_next' ), adaptiveHeight : true, appendDots : slider.siblings( '.slider_pager' ), customPaging : pager, rtl : rtl ? true : false, autoplay : window.mfn_sliders.slider ? true : false, autoplaySpeed : window.mfn_sliders.slider ? window.mfn_sliders.slider : 5000, slidesToShow : count, slidesToScroll : count }); 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}); } // --- Offer ----------------------------------------------------------------- function mfnSliderOffer() { $('.offer_ul').each( function(){ var slider = $(this); slider.slick({ cssEase : 'ease-out', dots : false, infinite : true, touchThreshold : 10, speed : 300, prevArrow : '', nextArrow : '', adaptiveHeight : true, //customPaging : pager, rtl : rtl ? true : false, autoplay : window.mfn_sliders.offer ? true : false, autoplaySpeed : window.mfn_sliders.offer ? window.mfn_sliders.offer : 5000, slidesToShow : 1, slidesToScroll : 1 }); // Pagination | Show (css) slider.siblings('.slider_pagination').addClass('show'); // Pager | Set slide number after change slider.on( 'afterChange', function( event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide ){ slider.siblings('.slider_pagination').find('.current').text( currentSlide + 1 ); }); }); } function mfnSliderOfferThumb_Pager(nr) { var thumb = jQuery(this).closest('.offer_thumb').find('.offer_thumb_li.id_' + nr + ' .thumbnail img').attr('src'); return '' + nr + ''; 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}); }); } // --- Blog ------------------------------------------------------------------ function mfnSliderBlog() { jQuery('.blog_slider_ul').each(function() { // Init carouFredSel jQuery(this).carouFredSel({ circular: true, responsive: true, items: { width: 380, visible: { min: 1, max: 4 } }, scroll: { duration: 500, easing: 'swing' }, prev: { button: function() { return jQuery(this).closest('.blog_slider').find('.slider_prev'); } }, next: { button: function() { return jQuery(this).closest('.blog_slider').find('.slider_next'); } }, pagination: { container: function() { return jQuery(this).closest('.blog_slider').find('.slider_pagination'); } }, auto: { play: window.mfn_sliders.blog ? true : false, timeoutDuration: window.mfn_sliders.blog ? window.mfn_sliders.blog : 2500, }, swipe: { onTouch: true, onMouse: true, onBefore: function() { jQuery(this).find('a').addClass('disable'); jQuery(this).find('li').trigger('mouseleave'); }, onAfter: function() { jQuery(this).find('a').removeClass('disable'); } } }); // Disable accidental clicks while swiping jQuery(this).on('click', 'a.disable', function() { return false; }); }); } // --- Clients ------------------------------------------------------------------ function mfnSliderClients() { jQuery('.clients_slider_ul').each(function() { // Init carouFredSel jQuery(this).carouFredSel({ circular: true, responsive: true, items: { width: 380, visible: { min: 1, max: 4 } }, scroll: { duration: 500, easing: 'swing' }, prev: { button: function() { return jQuery(this).closest('.clients_slider').find('.slider_prev'); } }, next: { button: function() { return jQuery(this).closest('.clients_slider').find('.slider_next'); } }, pagination: { container: function() { return jQuery(this).closest('.clients_slider').find('.slider_pagination'); } }, auto: { play: window.mfn_sliders.clients ? true : false, timeoutDuration: window.mfn_sliders.clients ? window.mfn_sliders.clients : 2500, }, swipe: { onTouch: true, onMouse: true, onBefore: function() { jQuery(this).find('a').addClass('disable'); jQuery(this).find('li').trigger('mouseleave'); }, onAfter: function() { jQuery(this).find('a').removeClass('disable'); } } }); // Disable accidental clicks while swiping jQuery(this).on('click', 'a.disable', function() { return false; }); }); } // --- Shop ------------------------------------------------------------------ function mfnSliderShop() { jQuery('.shop_slider_ul').each(function() { // Init carouFredSel jQuery(this).carouFredSel({ circular: true, responsive: true, items: { width: 380, visible: { min: 1, max: 4 } }, scroll: { duration: 500, easing: 'swing' }, prev: { button: function() { return jQuery(this).closest('.shop_slider').find('.slider_prev'); } }, next: { button: function() { return jQuery(this).closest('.shop_slider').find('.slider_next'); } }, pagination: { container: function() { return jQuery(this).closest('.shop_slider').find('.slider_pagination'); } }, auto: { play: window.mfn_sliders.shop ? true : false, timeoutDuration: window.mfn_sliders.shop ? window.mfn_sliders.shop : 2500, }, swipe: { onTouch: true, onMouse: true, onBefore: function() { jQuery(this).find('a').addClass('disable'); 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